Friday, September 10, 2010

How to easily diagnose network errors.

In a Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008 machine you may experience network problems.
A simple but useful tip, to view the network errors and packets lost, is to enable the status of send/receive packets errors, on to your network card.
After you enable this, you can easily view the status of your network card, by double clicking the "Local area connection" icon, from Control Panel > Network connections".

1. Go to Start > Run and type regedit
2. In Windows registry editor, navigate to the following path:
* If "StatMon"is not there, right click on Connections, select New > Key and for name type: StatMon
3. Inside StatMon key, set the ShowLanErrors DWORD value as [ShowLanErrors"=dword:00000001]
Double click at ShowLanErrors and set the value data as 1.
* If "ShowLanErrors" is not there, right click at the right pane New > DWORD value.
For the DWORD value name type:ShowLanErrors
4. After making this change, close registry editor and restart your computer, for changes to take effect.

When your computer log on again, navigate to Control Panel > Network connections and double click the Local Area Connection icon.
Now you will see an additional Errors information in your connection status. (See image bellow)

This networking tweak will show if you have any errors in your network activity such lost packets. If you see errors on the activity of the network card, first make sure that the network cable between your network card and the switch/router is OK, by replacing it, with a new one.
If the problem persists then replace your network card.
Most network errors, is from a bad network card and less because of a problematic switch or router.